Public procurements and competition law
We possess special experience and expertise in resolving disputes concerning public procurements at the Market Court, both from the viewpoint of the procurement unit and the service provider.
Non-competition contracts
In corporate and business transactions in particular, parties often agree on non-competition. However, competition law sets out certain conditions and limitations, for example concerning the regional and factual content of the non-competition terms and conditions. Recently, public sector organisations have procured services by using contractual arrangements with apparent anti-competitive features. For the Competition Authority to intervene and focus on the problem issue, it is essential for a specialist to complete a preliminary legal report and present it to the authorities to achieve the desired objective.
Public procurements
Legislation concerning public procurements can affect the sale of services and goods of a relatively small company. It can be significant for the operations of a regional company to become the supplier of services or goods commissioned by a public organisation. The company has to invest in the careful consideration of the invitation to tender and the preparation of the content of the documents related to the tender. Specialist legal assistance may be of paramount importance even at this early stage. The Market Court processes appeals concerning public procurement decisions. The appeal process will prove too overwhelming for any company without specialist legal assistance. You can turn to LSL Legal.